Oh, here are some pictures of Harper I took the other day while she was taking a nap. Is she not the cutest thing in the entire world? I love her.
Onward to frisbee...
Chase's PsyD class put together an Ultimate Frisbee team in the Intramural game. I don't love frisbee, but I do love Chase, so I always go to the game and hang out with the other non-frisbee players. However, yesterday when Chase and I got to the game, they were short a few girls. Which means I
Whenever Chase first got accepted to Wheaton, I was kind of worried that he would have all these great doctorate friends and I would never hang out with them since I wasn't in the program. But it's been great. We went to a White Sox game with some of the PsyD people, had game nights, movie nights, t-shirt making days, and frisbee games. I'm actually really, really glad we ended up here in this program.
And that's all. :) I hope you're enjoying your Thursday.