A Little Blog Break
It's Good to Be Green Giveaway Results
It's No Wonder We're So Screwed Up
This made me ponder the whole cycle of life thing--new beginnings, things sprouting anew from the dormant womb of Mother Earth...okay, I know, I went around the bend there, but you get the idea. The cyclical nature of the universe captured my imagination. Everything important is round. The Earth, the sun, Godiva hazelnut oysters--okay, they aren't really round, but they are roundish.
Things go 'round in circles... Everything has a natural beginning and end...
Of course, I went off on a tangent. If everything starts anew in spring, WHY DOESN'T THE NEW YEAR BEGIN ON MARCH 20th?
I asked Sugar about this, but he was busy fiddling with his Blackberry and wasn't paying good attention just then. He did mutter something about the Mayan calendar actually being more accurate according to some folks
Now THERE'S a thought that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. We haven't seen the movie yet--it's in our Netflix queue. But if the previews are any indication, it doesn't end happily.
Now, you may wonder here if I paid attention in school, or perhaps went to school in one of those Southern districts that gets so much attention in studies and whatnot because children can't read. The answers are yes, and no, respectively. Any gaps in my education I blame on that bicycle accident when I was eight where I got the bad concussion. It impacted my memory. Some things I simply cannot remember.
Which is why I am so thankful for Google.
For any of the rest of you who suffered head injuries as a child, daydreamed in class, or possibly attended a sub-par school district, January (named for Janus, the Roman god of doors) was not always the first month in the Gregorian calendar. March was, originally. Ha!
It was changed around 450 BC because that's when counsuls were chosen or some such. (Yes, this is an oversimplification, but y'all can Google for the details if you want them.)
Between politicians monkeying with our calendar because of elections, and springing us forward to save energy, our systems are completely out of balance with nature. It's no wonder we can't solve the big problems like HEALTH CARE and WORLD PEACE. We're fundamentally screwed up.
On a side note, I did get the Tweety Bird Yellow out of my hair.
Peace, out...
"It's Good to Be Green" Fabric and Pattern Giveaway
Green California Summit is here!
I strongly urge everyone to attend and take advantage of this yearly convergence of technology, innovations, and education. The expo is comprised of a lot of commercial and institutional suppliers and companies, but there are some small companies and business' geared towards residential projects and homeowners to check out.
Most of all... the expo is free to attend! I will be personally attending the expo on March 17th to celebrate St. Patty's Day and all great things "green". I hope to see a big turn out and lots of great new products to review.
For more information, please check out the site below:
A Little Bib Love :-)
Great Sale at Burgundy Buttons!

AFM Safecoat Paints- a personal experience
Now there are a lot of choices on the market these days, and eventually I hope to review them all, but for my remodel projects I settled on AFM Safecoat Paints. To be honest, the local green building supply store was having a sale on AFM Safecoat Paints and the color selection was amazing... that's how my selection was so easily achieved, pure science! The colors were mixed, the cans were shook, and I was off on my "green paint adventure".
As I had previously stated, I had heard some crazy comments about "green paints". "The paint is all runny and hard to work with...", "that stuff takes forever to dry...", and "it's a real pain when you have to clean it...".
Wow, let me tell you... this was by far my best painting experience ever! For starters, both of my projects were small bathrooms with only exhaust fans for ventilation and I had no problems with paint odors... I didn't even have to run the fans. Normally when I paint I eventually need to take a fresh air break from all the off gassing, but not with this stuff... it was like there were no odors at all. The Safecoat Paints rolled on to the walls beautifully, one coat and I was good to go. Remember how I was told, "that stuff takes forever to dry...", that comment couldn't have been any further from the truth. The drying time seemed very quick and I really didn't have any complaints about it.
Clean up was an absolute breeze, easier than any other paint I've used... my brushes, roller, and pans rinsed right off without the help of any cleaners or solvents. After my tools were dry, they were ready for the next project without any trace of residue. Also, while I was painting I made a couple mistakes as usual, but they were easily wiped up without any effort or fuss.
Not a single negative comment or opinion stood up to AFM Safecoat Paints! I felt good about the purchase, I felt great about the experience, but most of all I felt good about my choice to go "green" with my paint selection.
Check out AFM Safecoat Paints for yourself: http://www.afmsafecoat.com/
Central Valley shoppers can find AFM Safecoat products at these locations:
Green Home Gold, El Dorado- 530.622.8176, http://www.greenhomegold.com/
Green Sacramento, Sacramento- 916.448.8109, http://www.greensacramento.com/paints.html
Things I've Been Working On
Somebody Loves My Quilts!

I Cannot Think With All This Blonde Hair
I know, because this happened to me, and despite two rounds of toner, I still look like Tweety Bird. And now I'm out of town, so the HIGHLY SKILLED colorist who accidentally made my hair bright yellow can't do anything else to fix it. (She really, really is highly skilled--I'm not being snarky at all because I have a YELLOW HEAD.)
It doesn't seem prudent to walk into someone's shop who's never done my hair before and ask for color correction, so I'm stuck until I can get back home.
The worst part is, I think all the chemicals have effected my brain. I can't seem to string two sentences together. Everything I write I end up tossing the next day. I'm either brain damaged, or just in such a foul mood over what I see in the mirror I can't function.
Either way, I'm on the verge of heading to Walgreens for some L'Oreal.
Scrappy Giveaway Results
On My Own Recognizance
I've been using the treadmill, elliptical machine, and/or bike for an hour every day except the one, and I have to say, exercise is painfully dull when you're watching the news instead of moving to the groove. Also, NO ONE in the exercise room taunts me with a microphone, or yells when I slack off. I've come to depend on that.
I really don't enjoy watching the news anyway. The only time I watch it is when I'm in the exercise room and someone else has it on. As if exercise wasn't depressing enough...