I've always been a groundhog, but now I'm officially a speed limit too!

I know that my title probably doesn't make much sense, but I have a little giveaway for someone who is able to guess what I mean! Well, if you just leave your name I will still put you in the "dog eating" bowl to pull a name. (about a dozen or so posts back shows what I am talking about)This is a very colorful bundle of 12 fatquarters. Most, if not all is Kaffe Fasset fabric. It would look so nice in a whirlygig or pinwheel quilt. The background used would make these colors pop! I will also put in more goodies to fill the box up. One of my favorite things is to see how much I can fit in a flat rate box and still tape it shut. ;-)
Please leave your answer to what you think my title means.
I will post directions for a larger no trim whirlygig quilt tomorrow.
Have a great day everyone,