
So much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving...

things like...(in no particular order):

1.  Leggings.  The only clothing staple that can be worn to work, around the house, and to bed --- sometimes in the same day.  

2.  Mumford.  This band speaks to me and makes me want to burst into tears or dance like mad from a rooftop, sometimes in the same song.  

3.  Our sweet bedtime routine.  I've always dreamed about cozy'ing up in a big chair and reading books 'til I felt my babe grow heavy.  It's my moment of peace every single night and my little dream come true. 

4.  Our gingerbread house.  It's been almost five years and I only continue to fall deeper in love with this space we've made our home.  It's got our blood, our sweat, and our tears, and it's the place we brought our baby home to.  It's our haven, our little love shack.

5.  Ikea frames.  It's the only way I can possibly justify having 28 of my favorite photos displayed in a single room.  

6.  Barnes and Noble nights with Cruz.  These are special little nights saved just for the two of us - playing with the choo choo, reading books in quiet little corners of the store, and picking one or two favorites to add to our collection at home.  

7.  Simple nights at home with my boys.  Jam sessions, bath nights, supper around the table --- I hope these are the snapshots I will always remember about this stage of our life.

8.  Pizza.  What would we do without pizza.

9.  My favorite patchwork quilt and sunsets at Alice Wyth Lake.

10.  Iowa seasons.  Picnics and afternoons at the pool in the summer, neighborhood walks and pumpkin spice lattes in the fall, fires in the fireplace and movie nights in the winter, and baseball season, open windows, and fresh cut grass in the spring.  Every season brings its own resume of joy and I can't imagine living anywhere else. 

11.  My husband.  The best daddy to my baby and the man of my dreams.  He's my other half, my best friend, and a necessary equation to this life of ours.  He still makes me laugh, and still makes me weak in the knees with those dimples and bright baby blues.

12.  Talks with my mom.  She can make me feel better by not saying a word and always seems to know what I need.  She's always been amazing at this mom thing and I only hope I can be half as good as she is. 

13.  Our church.  I thank God that He led our family to this place that has taught us more about Him and the kind of people He wants us to be.  A place that has shown me the true meaning of salt and light, and challenges me to do better, love deeper, and serve more.  

14.  My job and my colleagues.  My former students and Room 222.

15.  My Shutterfly photo books.  You know that question, 'You're stranded on a deserted island, what's one object you'd take with you...?'  Well, I've never been one for practicality.

16.  Cruz's giggle.  I'm convinced it can move mountains.

17.  Neighborhood walks.  Our footprints are forever imprinted in these sidewalks of ours.  

18.  This blog and all of my sweet readers.  I'm so thankful for this space and for your comments.

19.  Our daycare.  Cruz is truly loved there and we are so thankful he has a safe, loving, and educational place to spend his days.    

20.  My family, and all the traits they've instilled in me.  I am so thankful to have them close, to watch Cruz grow up with his cousins, and have grandparents that love our little boy to pieces.   

21.  My favorite books and the characters that come to life inside their pages.  Atticus Finch, Holden Caulfield, Augustus Waters and Arnold Spirit have become forever bookmarked in my life and I am thankful for their lessons and impact, on me and so many others.

22.  My faith.  Jesus paid it all.  All to Him I owe.

Another special holiday season is about to begin, and there's so much to savor this time of year.  Life is full of so much beautiful.  

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.