This weekend came to a close with a different kind of feeling. I'm not sure if it's due to the time change, or the looming election tomorrow, or the feeling of being sort of in-between two holidays and two busy seasons, but I felt weird all weekend. And to put matters in perspective, I didn't have a single picture to download to my computer. The only picture I took this weekend was on my phone, after a grocery trip to Fareway with Cruz.
Nothing seemed camera-worthy this weekend, and one part of me hated that fact. At one point, I told Beau it was maybe the least productive I have felt in months. It seems I've become conditioned to think that if I'm not on the go, or making something, or capturing moments with my camera, I'm not being productive, when really, I spotted a different kind of at-home productivity that is necessary every now and then, too. It's maybe not the 'blog worthy' productivity that's fun, and colorful, and usually accompanied with something delicious, or crafty, or Cruz doing something cute, but the kind of productivity that is real, and honest, and necessary.
I've never done well being bored. As long as I can remember, I'd fill my time with imaginative projects, schedules, and new adventures to embark on. I couldn't just sit and listen to music without pausing, writing, rewinding, and then re-writing the words to every song on The Bodyguard soundtrack, seeking to know every word of 'Queen of the Night.' I couldn't just play babies without having a written schedule for my sweet Cabbage Patch baby, Hannah, taped to the wall above her bassinet, feeding and changing her at all the right times. I stored rock collections in Von Maur boxes, cut up entire JC Penney catalogs for paper dolls, and once gave a home to a polished acorn in my Fisher Price house. One might say the productivity trait has been with me my entire life, and most of the time, it's reaped strong benefits in success and reward.
Other times, however, it's proven to be hard work. After all, a growing tree can only bend so far in the wind before it breaks. And I guess without deliberate thought or action, this weekend was my opportunity to readjust my branches and find my footing again. And when I look back, it was full of just the kind of productivity I needed.
...I had a low-key, easy day at home with Cruz while Beau attended the Iowa State football game with Uncle Gabe. I cherish these days at home with Cruz because they force me to play. And while I had plans for painting and crafting, we abandoned them for books and blocks and a trip to Hobby Lobby with Grandma.
...Sunday's start to daylight savings began early with Cruz up before six. By 7:00, we had done two loads of laundry, ironed our dress shirts, fried a pound of bacon, and made chocolate chip muffins. I carefully picked out our clothes for church, and had time for jam session in our family band before heading out the door.
...I did some online Christmas shopping and carefully mapped out some unique and creative gifts for Cruz.
...I taught Cruz to sing the chorus of "I Will Wait' by Mumford. Add this to the list of The Alphabet Song and Call Me Maybe.
...We read and read and read and read. I always had dreams of a vast collection of books in the comfort of our own home, and have found it's even better putting them to good use.
...We stayed in Saturday night and *finally* made it through the first episode of The Wire. We were itching for a new TV series from Netflix and have heard good things. Sadly, however, the red envelope will be here for awhile as our plans for a movie/TV binge ended up with both of us asleep after the first episode.
...I learned three chords, a C, a G, and an F, on my early Christmas present. Yes, it's time this girl picks up her weight around here and learns to play an instrument in our family's band. I'm pretty excited about my new hobby and have many plans to participate in bath night jam sessions.
And since my camera didn't get a lot of spotlight time this weekend, I will post a video of Cruz the Lion from his daycare's annual program last week. Front and center in his lion costume, he didn't quite know what to think of all the people staring at him. Every now and then, he would remember he was supposed to be singing and dancing, but spent most of the time trying to pull the lion collar away from his neck! He looked so small, and it made me smile to think of how unaware he was of what was going on. He may have had no clue why his mom and dad dropped him off in his daycare room at 6:00 at night, or why he was put in this silly lion costume, or why hundreds of people, including his parents and grandparents, were in the audience, smiling and laughing and snapping pictures of him, but, like always, he went with it, doing his best and forgetting the rest. I love that about my little man.
Happy Monday, everyone!