Hey greenies, hope you're having a good week! It's Wednesday, it's time for "What I Ate Wednesday" as linked up to
Peas & Crayons. Along with my gluten-free, vegan food for the day I've got some Avery adventures to share below. Enjoy!

5:00 AM Just woke up: warm water with the juice of half a lemon |
5:20 AM Pre-workout snack: Sausage McMuffin (aka Food for Life Gluten-Free English Muffin, with a Sol Veggie Breakfast Patty and some maple agave nectar.) |
Workout: 1 hour on the treadmill. Running intervals: 2 minutes run, 2 minutes walk. Nothing like a little cardio to get the day started!
7:30 AM Breakfast: "Chocolate Ice Cream Smoothie" Rice milk, hemp seeds, chia seeds, raw cacao powder, frozen strawberries, frozen bananas, and spinach, |
9:15 AM 1st Morning Snack: 1 Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Larabar |
12:15 Lunch: "Cheesy Casserole" with rice, tofu, broccoli, carrots, and potatoes. |
2:00 1st Afternoon Snack: 1 banana |
2:30 PM 2nd Afternoon Snack: 1 Almond Dream Strawberry Yogurt |
3:00 PM 3rd Afternoon Snack: Veggie Straws |
I shared
last week that one healthy habit I'm working towards "falling into" is to have a fresh green juice more often as compared to my usual "green powder". So far I'm doing good and it feels great to get some fresh juice flowing into my cells!
4:45 Just got home snack: 1 green juice with apple, celery, pineapple, kale, lemon ginger, and cucumber. |
Then Avery and I packed up our dinner and headed to Grandma Karen and Grandpa Frank's house (my parents) to hang out and to watch
The Bachelor Pad finale! Before eating dinner we spent some time outside and boy did we have fun!
Avery with her "Nana" |
She was so captivated by some birds in a tree close by. |
"Whoa...birds!" |
Time for a little pic with Mom!
That girl just keeps growing! |
She loved sitting down on the step and then running towards Nana Karen and Uncle Andrew! |
Next she had some fun by the car... |
...then the world stopped when she saw a cricket or "hop hop" as Avery calls them.
The fun began when she tried to touch it... and it hopped away! |
Then the chase was on! |
"O M G!" I've been trying to teach her this, but it just comes out, "Ohh Gee!" |
"I better get low for this." |
"Hey guys, I see a cricket under there." |
"I'm going to get it!" |
Unfortunately the crickets caught onto Avery's plan and several just hid under my car (away from her), so we headed inside to get something to eat.
Dinner 7:00 PM: "Sneaky Spaghetti" with gluten-free noodles, and a sneaky sauce of lentils and spinach mixed up with a jar of spaghetti sauce. Topped with peas of course! |
Her favorite part was the peas! |
Anyone else love the ending to The Bachelor Pad...too funny!
Did you guys try any new foods this week? Or any other healthy habits you're trying to "fall into"? Share below. See you next week!