Remember way back when I wrote my very first blog post? It was about the Dooney and Bourke purse I found at a Salvation Army in Texas. I have used that purse every single day since then. A few days ago I was at the Salvation Army store here and I spotted a Dooney and Bourke purse hanging on a rack above the clothes. I practically ran over a lady and her little girl to snatch that sucker up (If you're reading my blog, I sincerely apologize for almost running you over). I picked up a green D&B, but quickly realized it was obviously fake. But behind that was a beautiful black Dooney. It was real, and twelve dollars, so I did a happy dance and bought it.
My older sister, Becky, had a birthday a few days ago, so I gave her the new D&B purse.
Okay, later that afternoon, I went to Goodwill. I had the whole day off, so why stop at just one thrift store? I browsed the purse section and found another authentic Dooney and Bourke. I was shocked. And thrilled. And I bought it. But the zipper was broken. But I had a plan. More on that later. I'm planning on repairing the zipper and sending it to my younger sister, Ruth. We'll be the three sisters with Dooney's. What more could you want?
Here are the bags:
Baby Dooney, medium Dooney, and large Dooney |
The little Dooney for Ruth |
My purse! My little brother calls it my "Mary Poppins purse" because I can fit my entire life in here. |
The beautiful Dooney for Becky. |