Okay, so because I was lousy at updating my blog this week and because I love all of you blog-readers so much, I'm posting a bonus post today. :)
Here's my newly refashioned peplum top styled into an outfit.
Let me tell you a story: Today before church, I spent about twenty minutes figuring out what to wear, and I ended up wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Yeah... And then when I picked out a blog outfit to photograph I picked out these clothes in about forty seconds. Basically I think I should pretend that real life is like a blog, and then I would be much better dressed.
Also, my new hair straightener does rocking curls. I think I've worn my hair curled with it for the last week. I mean, when I wash and fix it, that is. :)
Outfit Details:
Peplum top -- Old Navy via thrift shop $1 (refashioned)
Sweater -- Hand-me-down
Pants -- Ross $10
Blue Heels -- Thrift store $2
Total Cost: $13