Nike Shorts Alteration

The title on this post may be a little misleading. These shorts are actually Under Armour. Whatevs. I have several pair of Nike shorts and Nike-like shorts that ended up being too big. For awhile I didn't wear them because they made my legs look like sticks. Which is uncool. But then I realized that for five minutes and some thread, I can easily make them fit me. 

Here's the "Before"

I started by turning them inside out and separating the shorts part from the lining part. All I did was sew a new seam an inch above the existing seam between the two legs. It makes the shorts fit smaller and shrinks the leg holes a little bit also.

Just sew that one seam!

And then you have a pair of shorts that does not balloon out in the leg holes. Which is stellar.

This is the easiest, quickest way to alter nike shorts. However, if the shorts are way too big, you will have to alter them in a more complicated way, which I will post about later this week.