Beau and Kyle have known each other since 5th grade. They grew up together, shared a dorm room together their freshman year at UNI, and stood next to each other as each vowed to spend the rest of their life with (gasp) a woman. They've been there for each other's best, and yes, seen each other at their worst, and together they share a close bond that is evident even after going one year without getting together. And now that both boys are fathers to two little boys, the bond has only deepened and spread to these two little sprites...
We had the kind of sleepover you can only have with those you feel closest to --- the kind that breathes family and comfort and togetherness, like getting together before the holidays or being trapped inside together during a snowstorm. We've had our fair share of wild nights over the years, and getting together with our babies this weekend was surreal and sort of dreamlike. There was nothing more fitting than staying in on a Saturday night with two babies in a tub, a family style barbecue, and a late-night game of Hedbandz while the kids slept upstairs. We snuggled each other's babies like our own and parted ways wishing it was a three minute distance between us instead of three hours.
The highlights of our weekend up North?
...Beau survived the Warrior Dash, and was actually a little disappointed in how easy it was. Jen and I decided even we could handle jumping over the fire pit and wading through the giant mud puddle. This year, however, we traded our physiques for a couple of Bud Lights and got our groove on with the other men in our life.
Beau and Cruz with their game faces on...
The warriors - Beau, Mel, and Kyle
Waiting on daddy...
...For dinner, we went to Baymont Barbecue, this awesome little family owned restaurant in Stillwater. I knew it was a gem when I asked for a highchair with a seat buckle and the owner's wife grabbed a dish towel from the kitchen. We sat at paper-covered tables, drank sweet tea out of mason jars, and Beau even scored a tour of the kitchen, aka, the smoking device, in the back. I loved this little joint so much, and would have liked more time to explore this little town.
...Afterwards, we drove through Afton, MN, and stopped at Selma's for the most amazing monster cookie ice cream cone.
...Before bed, Cruz and Landon had some quality 'tubby time' while Jen, Mel (Jen's sister), and I laughed hysterically and face-timed with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Tami. Seeing these two naked babies in the tub was cute enough, but they both saw the camera and made sure to put on a show for Jen's parents. Landon was absolutely fascinated with Cruz, and Cruz showed Landon lots of tricks. He kept doing this thing where he'd press his forehead up to Landon's really close, right before he dumped an entire pitcher of sudsy water on Jen and Kyle's bathroom floor! We 'oohed,' we 'awwed,' and we laughed hysterically - a perfect storm to bring out the best in our wild man!
...After tub time, we all congregated in the upstairs loft, lotioned baby skin and combed freshly shampooed hair. Then, we snuggled sweet smelling babies with blankets, sang some songs, and read some stories. It was a sweet moment for all of us and put the boys in a sleepy trance that lasted through the night.
...Jen and Kyle have the sweetest dog, Buddy, and needless to say, Cruz was a fan...
It was a perfect little weekend away, and so great to reconnect with good friends. The only problem is leaving and wishing we lived closer so we could do these kinds of things all the time instead of once or twice a year. I guess although we only see each other a few times a year, it's comforting to know that some people will always be like family - to pick up right where we left off.