Here's Avery and I's gluten-free, vegan food for the day...
8:00 AM: Warm water with the juice from half a's why. |
After her morning "nursing session", which is the longest and most cuddly session of the day, Avery had some cereal and milk...and an optional bowl. ( : |
Cereal: EnvrioKidz Organic Peanut Butter Panda Puffs and SO Delicious Sugar-Free Vanilla Coconut Milk. |
8:30AM Breakfast: Chocolate Ice Cream Smoothie My favorite way to get my greens as well as satisfy my love for chocolate! |
As usual, Avery ended up sporting a "chocolate ice cream smoothie mustache" as she helped me polish my smoothie off. |
10:00 AM Pre-workout snack: Peanut Cookie Larabar I love Larabars for "sensible snacks" mainly because they have such short and healthy ingredient lists. This one is just peanuts, dates, and sea salt! |
Workout: 1 hour of pilates with 10 Minute Solutions: Pilates Perfect Body (I do this while Avery takes her morning nap).
12:15 Lunch: Taco Veggie Mix Burritos (with homemade cilantro rice) on a gluten-free tortilla shell. |
The burrito filling is part veggie ("Taco Veggie Mix" from The Edible Perspective) and part rice (my homemade rice that consists of long grain brown rice, fresh cilantro, lime juice, and sea salt). |
I was in "Burrito Heaven" with this meal because I just discovered these Rudi's Plain Gluten-Free tortilla shells and they rock! In the past I've had to use either corn tortillas or brown rice ones, and none hold a candle to the gluten-full tortilla shells of my past. But these Rudi's shells came pretty close! Did you see the pic above? I was actually able to get it all rolled up for the picture! |
Avery tried to pick up some of the tortilla shells with her fork. |
"CHEESE Mom!" |
Here's the new "fun" thing she's been doing during meal time, attempting to pull her bib off and saying "Oww!" even though it's been fine the whole meal. Lovely. |
My favorite view of the lake along the tree-lined sidewalk. |
Avery thought it was pretty breathtaking too. |
Until she saw the ducks that is... |
"Ducks!" |
We were able to get nice and close the the shore line. |
I think she's going to be one "nature-loving" girl. |
3:30 PM Afternoon snack #1: Peachy Kale Smoothie (perfect way to cool off after a hot walk!) |
5:00 PM Afternoon Snack #2: Way Better Simply Sprouted Sweet Chili Tortilla Chips (taste like Doritos but healthy) |
While I snacked on my chips, Avery and Brandon had some Veggie Straws! |
Avery loves her "straws" (as she calls them). |
Now that she had her snacks, she was ready for her "show" which she requested by handing us the remote and saying "Mick" (aka Mickey Mouse Clubhouse). |
Time for some books with of her favorite things to do. |
6:30 PM Pre-dinner snack: Apple Juice and Amazing Grass Green SuperFood Powder |
7:15 PM Dinner: "Lentil and Vegetable Stoup" made in the pressure cooker from the blog: A Healthy Slice of Life. Full of carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, onions, and green lentils. Also excellent with a slice of gluten-free toast! |
Inspecting her spoon. |
She had to take a break from dinner to check for bunnies in our yard. |
The green beans were her favorite part of the "stoup" (stew +soup). |
One cool thing about dinner is that it incorporated some of the fresh veggies I bought this past weekend at our local Farmer's Market. I've been putting off going so far this season because the prime time to go on a Saturday morning is right during Avery's morning nap. But we adjusted a few things around and were able to make it up there that past week and I'm so glad we did. I ended up with some great fruits and vegetables and I love knowing that I'm supporting local farmers. On top of that I swear the food not only tastes better, but I feel healthier when I eat it. I'm sure there's some placebo effect going on, but I'm sure there's also some science to it. No matter what it is, I'm going to make it my goal to go much more this summer.
My Farmer's Market bounty! |
The Farmer's Market scene from the street. |
It was Avery's first time going to the Farmer's Market and she sure liked it. Here she is checking out the live band that was playing...which was much more interesting than posing for this picture! |
She made sure to wave and tell everybody "Hi!" that walked by. |
Sporting her new shoes...I'll spare you the details of all the other pairs we tried on before settling on these. All I can say is that girl would go barefoot everyday, everywhere if she could! |
"I think I like this Farmer's Market place!" |
Now back to WIAW....
I wrapped up the night with some "Brownie Batter Hummus" from Nourishing & Flourishing. This stuff is delicious and no one needs to know it's actually made with beans! |
Avery's quite the fan of the "Brownie Batter Hummus". Here she is helping me make it after dinner...and taste-testing it along the way. |
See you all next week!