What I Ate Wednesday

Happy Wednesday everyone! Let's jump right in to my gluten-free, vegan eats for the day as part of Peas & Crayon's, "What I Ate Wednesday"...

5:00 AM Just woke up snack: Food for Life Gluten-Free English Muffin,
with organic strawberry jelly and Earth Balance butter.

Workout: 1 hour of pilates with 10 Minute Solutions: Pilates DVD. This is one of my favorite DVDs that I started doing after Avery was born and posted about back in this post: "Body After Birth".

7:30 AM Breakfast: "Chocolate Ice Cream Smoothie"
Remember how I told you before that I mainly eat this smoothie
in this rocking mega mug? Well, that usually works just
fine, until today....

The glass completely tipped and spilled everywhere in the
passenger seat where I keep all my bags to take to school!
Whammy! What can I say, I guess there may be times when
it's not safe to "smoothie and drive"...if you want clean
car seats that is! ( :
9:20 AM Snack: Peanut Butter & Jelly Larabar

10:30 AM 2nd Morning snack: Gluten-free, vegan pancakes
from Cinnamon Quill with Maple Agave Nectar as my syrup.

11:30 AM 3rd Morning snack: 1 "Bloomin' apple"

12:30 PM Lunch: Mexican casserole I with corn,
millet, quinoa, pinto beans, tomatoes, salsa, Daiya cheese,
mushrooms, onions, and of course corn tortilla chips.
This stuff was delicious! Going to be making it again soon.

After lunch sweet treat: handfull of Enjoy Life chocolate
chips that are gluten-free and vegan.

2:15 PM Afternoon snack #1: organic orange

3:30 Afternoon snack #2 : "Melty Pizza Hummus" with
organic corn tortilla chips from Chocolate-Covered Katie.
Can't get enough of this stuff!

5:15 PM Just-got-home-snack:
 "Green Orange Julius Smoothie":
Vanilla Sunwarrior Rice Protein Powder,
orange juice, 1 1/2 frozen bananas,
ice cubes, spinach.

7:15 PM: "Tofu Mushroom Stroganoff"...any other stroganoff
fans out there? I didn't think it could be veganized but I found
a great recipe for it and now it's one of our favorite meals.
We served it over gluten-free noodles.
Avery goes crazy for tofu...especially "Tofu Mushroom Stroganoff" so let's see what she thought...
Trying it...

Thinking about it...

Making sure not to let go of that tofu!

Hey, is there any more?
I think it's safe to say she liked it!

Dessert: Silk Vanilla Yogurt, with one crumbled
Jo-Sef's Sandwich Chocolate O's (aka gluten-free vegan Oreo).
Love this combo!

So that's my food for the day. Hope you had a great Wednesday!