by Katy Green
Attend a eco-event in your area!
Support your community or county and enjoy the green life.
Take a moment to view our 29 Days of Green Love Calendar!
If you are stuck on ways to reduce your Carbon Footprint...try a carpool instead. It's a great way to connect with your office mates and your helping to save the ozone layer.
There are so many ways to show love for the planet and that is why we created the Green Love Calendar!
5 Quick things You can do to Green Yourself!
CarPool is showing Love for Planet Earth |
Support your community or county and enjoy the green life.
Take a moment to view our 29 Days of Green Love Calendar!
If you are stuck on ways to reduce your Carbon Footprint...try a carpool instead. It's a great way to connect with your office mates and your helping to save the ozone layer.
There are so many ways to show love for the planet and that is why we created the Green Love Calendar!
Green Garden |
5 Quick things You can do to Green Yourself!
- The human connection is priceless. Waste not. Buy less and show love in other ways it lasts longer.
- Tweet or post on Facebook about how to live an earth friendly lifestyle or Like Us on FB. It's free and eco-friendly then share Shoptobegreen Posts.
- Save money and create your own Green Garden
- Build your vocabulary and help to end hunger at
- Take break from TV and read a book. Don't buy books try the oldschool approach by borrowing them. Don't know how to find your local worries click here.