With thirty different states impacted, the weather gods are saying this could be one of the biggest storms in history. Chicago is gearing up for two feet of snow. We are fortunately on the brink of the storm and are projected to get about eight inches. A near foot of the powdery stuff, mixed with 45 mph. winds calls for total hibernation.
I love snow days and especially love them more now that I have a Cruz to snuggle with. I love the feeling of being 'stuck,' even though in all reality, we're about a block from Hy-Vee. I love watching the wind blow outside, and picturing all the family 'snow day' activities happening inside. Art projects and movie marathons, baking days and coloring books. Toys rediscovered after weeks in the closet, and pans of mac 'n cheese, spaghettios, and chicken noodle soup on the stovetop.
I love watching my three neighbor boys tear through the snow outside. Head to toe in snow gear, they chase their dog through the yard, while doing their best to 'shovel' the driveway before Dad gets home. Someday, that will be Cruz. Someday, he will trudge through the snow, pulling a sled behind him, building mountains to climb and cities to rule.
I love the warmth, the coziness, and the anticipation of school delays and cancellations as they marquee across the TV. Most of all, I love the free gift of more time...more time for playing, rocking, and staring at every inch of this little face.