Sunglasses Needed and Giveaway Results

I wish that I had 12 things to giveaway! I really appreciate everyone stopping by and leaving a comment. It was a little tricky this time picking.... scroll down and you will see why ;-)
The winner of the pinwheel blocks is Jacque and the winner of the string blocks is Jenna Z. Please email me your addresses and I will get the blocks in the mail on Monday. Oliver ended up picking the winners again because.......
His brother ate 4 before I could get them out of his month. I think he is going to have to be fired from this giveaway stuff. LOL

Here is my 4th of July picnic quilt that I finished piecing last night. It is from a Moda Jelly Roll-"Red, White and Bold" by Sandy Gervais. Definitely a quick quilt to piece. I plan on quilting it tonight after I go to my local quilt shop's "One Day Only" 12 hr sale. Be still my heart!

Have a great weekend everyone and thank you again,