Last night, Chase and I went with one of his professors and some other students to hear N.T. Wright speak at a nearby university. My sister as well as some of our friends are HUGE NT Wright fans, so we've kind of always liked him even though we don't know that much about him. My sister even named her son Nicholas Thomas after him, which is awesome. Plus, Nicholas is the coolest nephew ever. :)
He was speaking at something called the Veritas Forum, which is where two opposing scholars have an intelligent discussion about their beliefs and the reasons behind those beliefs. Last night's topic was titled:
"What Gods DO We Believe in Now?
Challenging the Religions of Culture"
It was a great talk. I normally have a really really hard time staying focused when somebody is talking for longer than twenty minutes, but I really enjoyed the discussion. Maybe it was NT Wright's British accent that was so interesting. Who knows. He's seriously a cool guy, though. Also, his mannerisms and the way he speaks remind me of Kris Kringle from Miracle on 34th Street (The new movie--not the black and white). I kept thinking of Santa Claus during the lecture.
Before the talk started, we went to Red Mango and ate frozen yogurt. Even though it was approximately negative one thousand degrees outside, I still loved it! I came to the sad realization that my Texas coat has become my Chicago jacket. When we left the auditorium it was snowing. Like, honest to goodness snow. Crazy, right?! I'm definitely not prepared enough for this Chicago winter that seems to be happening now. Oh well. Asi es la vida.
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