My younger sister got married a little over a month ago, and her stipulation for the bridesmaids was that we had to buy a blue dress. I love love love shopping, but I'm picky as hell about my clothes, so I was happy to get to choose my own dress. I found this in-between-navy-and-cobalt colored lace dress at Kohls and knew it was the one.
Here are all of the dresses together. Don't they look great?
Me, my mom, Ruth, and Becky. You can't really tell, but Ruth's hair piece is the one featured in this post. My mom is wearing a similar one, and Becky and I are wearing small bobby-pin versions in our hair. Also, does my mom not look rocking for being the mother of nine (!!) children?
I love my dress, but I couldn't wear it in everyday life, really. So I made some adjustments and wore it with a shirt and sweater on top. I can't pull of a lace dress at church, but I can definitely rock a lace skirt.
I know you're asking yourself a burning question. What shoes are you wearing with that, and what color is your nail polish?
Never fear. I photographed them just for you. I love these yellow sandals. And I basically wear them anytime I'm not at work. Yeah...
Outfit Details:
Lace dress -- Kohls $48
Striped shirt -- Gap via Salvation Army $1
Sweater -- Old Navy via Salvation Army $1
Sandals -- Payless $4
Total Cost: $54