I first learned about dry skin brushing from the all-amazing Kris Carr in her documentary "Crazy Sexy Cancer" and in this post. From what she said, as well as other wise wellness warriors, I've learned that some benefits that come from dry skin brushing include:
- removing dead skin cells, leaving you with softer smoother skin
- moving lymph
- reducing cellulite
- increasing circulation
- helping the body detox...by stimulating the lymphatic system
- stimulates the nervous system to tone muscle and tighten skin
Skin brushing always makes me happy! |
Sometimes when trying something new, like dry skin brushing, I find it helpful to learn from other people. I learned a lot about skin brushing from Kris Carr as I mentioned above, as well as other bloggers, such as: The Crunchy Chicken, Gabby over at The Veggie Nook, and this article on Natural News.com. So if my post isn't answering it for you, check out these other helpful resources.
What do you need?
A simple, natural bristle brush is all you need. You can find these at your local health food store or grocery store and they only cost a few bucks. I like to go to Nature's Pantry, here in the Kansas City area. Mine came with a handle, but I find it's easier to skin brush without the handle. Don't worry if your's looks different than mine, as there are all different kinds. Some people even use loofahs or skin exfoliating gloves, so whatever you can find that's similar to a skin brush will work just fine.
Also, I clean my brush once every two or three weeks by rinsing it with a mild castile soap and water and then allowing it to air dry. With this kind of maintenance, I plan on brushing with this brush for a long time to come!
How to Brush:
A key to dry skin brushing is to use long, sweeping strokes towards your heart. Some people say to do circular strokes, but truly it's up to you. I became obsessed in finding the "perfect way to skin brush" but all I did was exhaust myself Googling and coming up with different variations. For me, I love the long sweeping strokes, but maybe you'll like the circular strokes. I say, do what works for you! Or as the amazing Kris Carr said, "It's not rocket scinece, it's dry brushing!"
Here's a visual I created of the directions I brush for each area of the body...
Without further ado, here's my skin brushing routine:
Play-by-play of the dry skin brushing steps:
I do this routine daily, before taking a shower...
1. Starting at my feet, I brush up my legs using long strokes. Making sure to get the front and the back of the leg. |
2. Next I move to my thighs. Cellulite...you don't stand a chance against this skin brush! Once I'm done with the first leg, I move onto my other leg and do the exact same thing. |
3. Belly is next. I keep with the upward motion towards my heart, but you could also go in a circular motion. |
4. Head to the back, still going up towards the heart. Is your skin feeling alive yet?! |
5. Next I move to my arms, starting with the hand, I use long sweeping brush strokes. |
6. When I near my upper arms I make sure to also brush in my arm pit area...even though it sounds very strange! Aside from exfoliating the skin, it really helps stimulate my lymph nodes in this area. |
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7. Last are the shoulders and chest, and for these areas I go in small, gentle strokes DOWN towards my heart. Repeat on the other arm and then your done! |
Have you ever tired dry skin brushing? What did you think about it? Or what kind of brush do you like to use? Share below!
Disclaimer: I am by no means a doctor. Everything I post on here I've learned from books, online research, and by talking with naturopaths/chiropractors/and other alternative health experts. So I'm not the end all to be all. What works for me, may not work for you,take it... but it doesn't hurt to share right?
Happy Brushing!
Recently this post was linked up to...
- Frugally Sustainable as part of the "Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways Blog Hop."
- "Your Green Resource" at The Greenbacks Gal, A Delightful Home, Live Renewed, or Sorta Crunchy.
- "Thank Your Body Thursday" over at Thank Your Body