I've been seeing recipes for d.i.y. beach hair spray on Pinterest, but every single recipe I saw called for coconut oil. Seriously? Coconut oil. Um yeah, let me just grab that from my pantry. I guess I left it at the grocery store along with the quinoa (I seriously had to look up how to spell quinoa... how pitiful). So I improvised and subsituted and came up with this:
I emptied out an old hairspray bottle and mixed together the following.
* 8 oz. warm water
* 2 t. salt
* 1 spoonful conditioner
* 1 gob of hair gel. (yes, I measured one gob out. It was probably a little less than a teaspoon)
The conditioner and gel didn't dissolve very well, so I microwaved the cup for 30 seconds and used a whisk to get the lumps out. After that I refilled the bottle and sprayed it on my dry hair. My hair is really fine and baby-soft, so this spray is perfect for adding texture and body.
Once again, here's the after picture.
Also, show some love and pin-it or share it. :)