First off, I am cursed with horribly thin hair so I'm always at war with greasiness. Dry shampoo is a god send for me. This powdered miracle helps me tame the greasies and keeps me looking fresh in between washes. For the longest time, I used Oscar Blandi's dry shampoo from Sephora
Next up, is the leave-in conditioner. Made with argan oil, this lightweight spray softens and protects your hair with natural nourishing ingredients. Like the dry shampoo, it smells great, thanks to the acai berry, pomegranate, and blackberry. Leave-in conditioner is a must for me because of all the flat-ironing that I do. My all time favorite leave-in is by Intelligent Nutrients, but it's pricey and requires an online order. For around 9 bucks, Acure's leave-in is an affordable alternative. However, it can be a tad bit heavy. At first, I sprayed it on like I would with Intelligent Nutrients', but woke up to oily hair the next day. Now I just spritz some on my hands and apply it only to my ends. My hair is left shiny, soft, and gorgeous. Love it.
Both of these products were found at Whole Foods in Madison, New Jersey. Currently, neither product is available on Acure Organics' website, but can be found on Amazon and other stores online.