Potluck Green Day - share your love of food with others

by Katy Green

Earth Dinner
 We have labeled today Potluck Green Day, show your love for the planet and your community, neighbors or friends by sharing a healthy and tasty meal. You will conserve energy and your efforts will encourage community sharing and so much more. 

To access our 29 Days of ShoptobeGreen Love for the Planet Calendar, click here.

If you can't find potluck recipes, no worries we did the hard work for you. We found sites that list easy potluck recipes that are organic, tasty and healthy. 

Potluck Dinner
POV: Food Inc. Gallery
  • If you are looking for potluck ideas and you are inspired to be the leader of the potluck movement in your neighborhood, click here for the Potluck Party Kit and Checklist on POV's, a PBS website.
  • The Potluck Party Kit site lists tons of potluck recipes, instructions on how to organize a potluck dinner and a potluck picture gallery. Please note, this section of the POV site was created for the show Food Inc. that aired on PBS August 2011 - but they left tons of great information.
Shop locally, eat and share your bounty with your friends, family and community. You are making a difference and inspiring others to share.