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Family fun! |
10 Lifestyle habits of third culture kids http://bit.ly/nsQKSz written by Brian Royer
You might be a third culture kid: if you speak 2 languages, but can't spell in either...
@Denizenmag interview with TCK who is president of a university in Paris: all about
#TCKs&career bit.ly/roCYFd
Bilingual babies' vocabulary linked to early brain differentiation: http://bit.ly/n36PD8 via @AddThis
@Windmilltales Todays blog post Xpat Blog Hop - Hardest thing to adjust to..http://bit.ly/omWncI
5 tips for future #expats to Holland!
#TCK life has another post. Hope you're liking them, #ThirdCultureKid community. thirdculturekidlife.wordpress.com/2011/09/01/the… Post by James R.Mitchner
@SharonStirling Anyone got a hankering for sweet potato fries with garlic & Thai basil? wp.me/p159rs-mE/ lovely blog by and 4 #TCKs!
'Should our kids go native too?' International vs. local schools, via Expatica. http://bit.ly/qBN36P
@ExpatAngels Expat Divorce. ow.ly/68IAl What about the kids?
J Simens.com New Post - World-wide childhood games teach valuable skills.
Read it now at http://bit.ly/oDfKW9
5 tips for surviving the worst roommate ever @RebeccaGrappo written by a #university graduate TCK http://bit.ly/nIAT6K #TCKs #transition
Wereldschool: Boekentip voor expats om kinderen voor te bereiden op vertrek: Anderland boeken. Biedt gespreksstof en handvatten. http://bit.ly/mef2R8
Multicultureel opvoeden, ouders willen wel maar weten niet hoe..http://bit.ly/ppflzO #opvoeden #diversiteit
Image thanks to Kakisky Morgue File