Bitty Bud- Waldorf Doll Giveaway.....

I love trying new things whether it is in quilting or dollmaking. I decided to make a smaller doll than my 10" that I have been making for over a year. This is what I came up, a little 8"/9" doll.
If you would like to have her come live with you, please leave your name and a way to get it touch with you.

 I will pull  a name on October the 1st. I can not believe that it is almost October, but I love it.....cuddling with quilts is coming up.  :-)
Also, Jacque from "The Doodles of My Mind" is having a giveaway for a darling little carrycot for smaller Waldorf Dolls.  Please be sure to check it out.........
We are looking forward to hearing from everyone!
Cathy and Jacque