Do You Need Green to Be Green?

A lot of people complain that being eco-friendly is only for the rich. Is it?

Sure, most eco alternatives cost a bit more, but for good reason. People (Americans, especially) are so used to buying things on the cheap, we forget to question what we're really buying. A bottle of shampoo may be three bucks, but it's nothing but cancer causing chemicals, hence why it's dirt cheap. You get what you pay for. To me, spending the extra money to get a cleaner shampoo is worth it: not only am I paying for better quality, but I'm paying for my health and my planet. It also teaches me to value what I buy, causing me to consume less, saving me money in the long run. Cheap products encourage more spending, more consumption, and more waste: three things we don't need.

But, I admit, times are tough. We all can't afford the better shampoo, whether we want to or not. However, there are eco-friendly ways that can actually save you money. Why buy cases of bottled water when you can get a re-useable one with a filter? Why use plastic bags when some stores pay you to bring your own? Why buy a gas guzzling truck when you can buy an electric one instead? Less consumption = less spending. It's that simple.

Wealthy people may have an easier time being green, but as a student and a hardworking waitress, I'm still making it work. Us 'commoners' just have to be a bit more crafty ;)

What to you think? Do you agree or disagree with my opinion?