Are you heat stressed this summer?

by Katy Green

They say everyone experiences the winter blues but what about heat stress during the summer?
 According to National Institute on Aging, as temperatures and humidity rise across much of the U.S., people over the age of 65 are among the most vulnerable to heat stroke and heat exhaustion. The primary reasons is because the body’s ability to regulate temperature through blood circulation and sweat glands tends to decline with age.

Ice Sculptures melting by Brazilian Artist Nele Azevedo

If you are excessively overweight or have heart disease or high blood pressure, or take medications that may be affected by extreme heat, you are more likely to experience heat stress as well.

Heat stress can also be caused by working in hot environments. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, heat stress can result in a heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat rashes. Workers at risk for heat stress include outdoor workers and workers in hot environments such as firefighters, bakery workers, farmers, construction workers, miners, boiler room workers, factory workers, and others.
We are not promoting Perrier ..we thought the picture captures how we feel.

Heat Stress Symptoms include: (for information on treating this symptoms, CLICK HERE)
  1. Heavy sweating
  2. Extreme weakness or fatigue
  3. Dizziness, confusion
  4. Nausea
  5. Clammy, moist skin
  6. Pale or flushed complexion
  7. Muscle cramps
  8. Slightly elevated body temperature
  9. Fast and shallow breathing

Melting clocks.
Melting Clocks

The sun's hot rays can also increase your risk for sunburn, breakouts, age spots, and irritation. For those of you that have super sensitive skin like rosacea, dermatitis, or acne, the heat is not the only threat to your skin's health. 

The best advice for reducing sunburn is to stay out of the sun especially when the sun rays are the brightest or when the tempeture reaches the highest peak between 12 noon to 5 pm. Of course the time frame will vary depending on where you live but you can usually gauge the right time frame.

Melting ice on the Cook Inlet Beach in Kenai -  BRAD SNEAD suggests the following remedies to soothe your skin:
  • Stay hydrated by drinking water.
  • Reduce your intake of alcohol, iced coffee and soda because they do not hydrate you in the hot weather.
  • Wear sunscreen daily to protect your skin and try to stay indoors in a cool area.
  • To re-hydrate dehydrated cells and extract toxins and reduce sun spots and tighten pores, try all natural Solay Detox Face Mud Mask
Solay Detox Face Mud Mask
100% Vegan
  • Sun, smoke, pollution, and stress create skin-damaging oxidants and free radicals. Load up on antioxidant like stocked green tea extract, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamins B3 and E, and vitamin C ester. For more information on natural antioxidants or preparing your own skin potions, check out Dr. Weil at
  • Reduce Stress and take a cool bath. Hot water can damage and dry skin any season. Try Stress Relief Natural Bath Soak with Himalayan salt
    Stress Relief Natural Bath Soak with Himalayan salt
    Ingredients: Himalayan salt, Aluminum-free sodium bicarbonate, chamomile flower powder, apple cider vinegar, rooibus red tea powder extract, lilac oil, lemon oil.