My cloth-diapering baby girl! |
In the past, I had stayed away from cloth diapers for the following reasons (maybe you can relate to these):
1- I did not want to have to clean them2- I had no idea where to get started in shopping for cloth diapers. There were so many decisions to make: pre-folds or pocket diapers, bumGenius or FuzziBunz, Velcro or snaps? Yikes!
3-I worried that if I used a diaper cleaning service that they would use harsh detergents or chemicals to clean the diapers that would not be good for my baby's skin or the environment.
4- On top of that, if I used a cleaning service, I worried it would be really expensive.
"Like my cloth diapers?" |
1-Cleaning the diapers? They clean them (score!).
2-What cloth diapers to buy? They provide the diapers, covers, and wipes meaning I don't have to do any shopping or make any large investment into buying my own supply of cloth diapers.
3- Harsh detergents? Nope, they use bio-degradable soaps and high efficiency laundry machines
4- Cost? It's about $22.50 a week for the service which includes a weekly pick up of dirty diapers and drop off of clean diapers. Not bad if you figure the you'll probably be spending something close to that on disposables and wipes per week.
Here's a few more details about what I get with my diaper cleaning service. Included in your weekly cost you receive the following supplies: a set of pre-fold, cotton, cloth diapers (this means it's like a flat piece of fabric with a thicker layer in the middle). As well as: a set of flannel wipes that are handmade and in fun patterns, 5 water-proof diaper covers (these keep the cloth diaper portion from getting the baby's clothes wet or dirty), and a Snappi (a little rubber/plastic piece that holds the cloth diaper together...basically takes the place of safety pins that were used back in the day to hold together cloth diapers.). You can read more about these products on their website here. Aside from this, Metro Cloth Diapering, obviously cleans the cloth diapers too. Once a week I put out the bag of dirty diapers/wipes, it is picked up, and clean ones are dropped off. You can read a more in-depth description of their services here.
They make it pretty simple don't they? Now why turn to cloth diapers in the first place? Clearly cloth diapers are great for the environment in how they decrease landfill waste, but one might argue that you have to use an awful lot of water to wash and reuse them. That's true, but a key word in that statement is reuse! You can get many uses over many years out of a single cloth diaper, whereas with a disposable it's just use it once and then you dispose of it. And on top of this, disposable diapers take years and years to breakdown (if ever!). I read once that if the children who came over with Christopher Columbus wore disposable diapers, those diapers would still be around today...since they plastic would never break down!!
Check out this video about the breakdown of a disposable diaper (or lack there of). This video also highlights the gDiapers I mentioned above, which are still a great option if cloth is not something you want to attempt.
Aside from the environmental affect, disposable diapers also contain a number of harmful chemicals and dyes that may be making diaper changes easier on parents (because they are super absorbent), but they sure aren't helping babies. One chemical called, sodium polyacrylate, is added to disposable diapers to make them "super absorbent" but it can also cause skin irritations and rashes, and it was banned from tampons back in the 80's because of it's link to Toxic Shock Syndrome. Another little chemical in diapers is dioxin, a by-product of them being bleached. Dioxin is a cancer-causing chemical and is banned in most countries (obviously not the US). Last is chlorine, which gets them nice and bright...and at the same time is "particularly threatening to infants." Feel free to read more of these chemicals here. Although some may say the effect of these chemicals is small, it's not something I'm willing to take a chance on with Avery, which is why I chose to use cloth diapers.
Okay, okay, time for me to get off my "soap box" or "diaper box" I should say. Let's get past the facts and the debate and onto the real deal. Let me show you just how easy cloth diapers can be and how we make them work for us. Here are the steps of a typical "green" cloth diaper change...
1. Gather your supplies.
Fabric wipe, cloth diaper, diaper cover, and Snappi. |
2. Place a clean cloth diaper down on the changing surface. Sometimes this is needed, other times it isn't, but it's better to have something down in case she decides to go again...which happens quite often when she talks to her buddy Panda!
3. Speaking of Panda...I usually put something next to her to occupy her while she is being changed. Here she is having to make the toughest decision of who to look at: Daddy or Panda, who will it be?! Well, since Daddy was the camera man, Panda won this battle.
Who to choose, Panda or Daddy? |
4. Next I take off the diaper cover, and then the dirty diaper.
5. The dirty diaper now goes in the medium-size wet bag.
Here's the medium-size wet bag. |
6. Next, I grab a cloth wipe. I use this Prince Lionheart Wipes's pretty awesome! I don't necessarily care for the fact that the wipes are warm (although I bet Avery does), I just like that I have a stash of already WET wipes. All I do with these fabric wipes is run a stack of them under some water, wring them out a bit, then stick them in the wipe warmer...then they are already to go! Again, all I use on these cloth wipes is WATER! No chemicals, lotions, perfumes, anything!!!
Prince Lionheart Wipes Warmer with cloth wipes |
Time for a wipe. |
Let the folding begin... |
This is the part she doesn't like sometimes. If she had it her way, she'd be naked all day-lol!
"Oh Mom! Not another diaper!" |
Would you look at that frown! Nothing like a little drama for the diaper change. |
Snappi Time! |
You can see the Snappi connects the left and right sides of the diaper. |
11. Time to put on the diaper cover. Some diaper covers that we have use Velcro, others use snaps, and they come in a variety of colors. Just a note, we are in charge of washing these covers (they are not included in our pick up and drop off...the same goes for the medium-size wet bag). But if that's all I have to clean, I don't mind one bit!
Bad Idea! The diaper is sticking out and will probably leak. |
Good idea! No diaper is sticking out=less likely to leak. |
Attach the velcro to secure the cover. |
All done! |
So long dirty diapers! |
I'm smiling because I don't have to clean these diapers! |
By the way, cloth diapers also work great as make-shift you can see in this pic below. Thanks to my mom who captured this happy smile as Avery was waking up from a nap one day.
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Cloth diapers sure make me happy! |
Has anyone else ever used cloth diapers or a diapering service before? What was your experience like? Do you have any favorite types of cloth diapers, tips or tricks? Feel free to post below!
Last, here's a cool cloth diaper awareness campaign if you're already into cloth diapers or looking to ease in called: Change 3 Things, which is looking to get 100,000 parents to pledge to change at least 3 cloth diapers a day for a year. The end result, being..."30-50 million pounds of prevented landfill waste, 100 million disposable diapers not being purchased, and $24 million of combined savings for cloth diaper families." Pretty amazing right? I know I'm signed up for the challenge, how about you?