One Month Old

Happy Birthday!
Hey everyone, we've had a pretty good week around here as we celebrated Avery's one month birthday! Seeing as I love to document everything in pictures (like my bi-weekly pregnancy belly shots), it was no question that I'd be be taking monthly pictures of Avery!  Back when I was pregnant, I found these adorable monthly stickers on Etsy (which I wrote more about in this post), and now that her one month b-day was here I was super excited to use them.  So, when May 20th came I put the sticker on her onesie, topped the look off with a fun flower headband (also from Etsy), grabbed my camera, and then set her down to snap some pics.  Little did I know that right after I'd sit her up (in the glider/rocker in her room) she'd instantly fall one month babies can not hold their heads up! LOL- I guess you live and learn.  Here's a funny outtake from our photo sesh, sorry baby girl...mommy knows better now!
Come on Mom!
Here are the rest of the pictures from our one month photo session...with the help of the stripe pillow:
Close-up shot

Yeah we're sitting up...thank you stripe pillow!

Profile shot, love that nose!
Also this week, we've been having some "tummy time" fun.  I usually try to do it with her once or twice a day and she seems to like it.  Since I started doing it about two weeks ago, she seems to have already gotten stronger as she is able to hold her head up for just a couple of seconds as opposed to nearly not at all in the beginning.  Usually I'll lay right down on the floor with her and talk to her to motivate her to lift her head up, or I'll use a fun little toy or stuffed animal.  As you can see from the second picture, she sure likes to use her feet and legs to get some momentum! Those little toes sure were working hard to help her try and move.  By the way, that amazing quilt you see in these pictures was created by my aunt and grandmother; it's fun, unique and incorporates all the colors of Avery's room.  I love it and I think Avery does too as she often will stare down at the various patterns, colors, and shapes.  Thank you Grandma Sue and Carol, you guys rock!

Working hard during "Tummy Time"

Maybe if I use my feet and legs...
 To reflect a bit more on the week I'd have to say I made a funny realization about parenting that I'd like to call my "You know you're a parent when..." group of moments (kind of like Jeff Foxworthy's "You know you're a redneck...").  Anyways my "You know you're a parent" moment this week came  one afternoon when Avery finally fell asleep for a nap and my first thought was: "Yes! I can go empty the dishwasher now!"  Who would have thought that this not-so-fun task would suddenly be exciting and enjoyable for me? But, when you are constantly holding, carrying, or feeding your baby and you can't get to even the simplest and necessary tasks, you suddenly find joy in getting the time to do them.  I experienced this same enjoyment when doing other traditionally not-so-fun tasks this week like: doing the laundry, cleaning out old leftovers from the refrigerator, and even sweeping.  What can I say, "You know you're a parent get a spare minute and your first thought is to go clean something." Or maybe it's just me and my funny cleaning OCDs-lol!  Anyways, I'm sure I will have many more "You know you're a parent when..." moments as Avery grows up.  Can you moms out there think of any other "You know you're a parent..." moments? Feel free to post them below! ( :

Here's some other fun pictures from the week...
Having fun with "Book Time" while driving to the chiropractor...
thanks for your help Grandma Karen!

She smiles so much while she sleeps.

Family Picture at 4 Weeks Old...
she was not in the mood for this picture!

Happy smiles for Daddy
Have a great week everyone!