Hi greenies! I will post more later, but just had to share the news that Avery was born last night, April 20, 2011 at 10:59 PM. She was born in the water at our home. She weighed 8 lbs and was 21 inches long. Here are some pictures...
First Family Picture after the birth. |
So happy she is finally here! |
Brandon got to weigh her with the midwife scale...8lbs! See her cute little foot sticking out?! |
Meet Baby Avery! |
Dad giving her some love during one of her many diaper changes thus far! |
Avery says "Hello!" |
Avery and I |
Daddy and Avery first thing this morning...love it! |
Our sleeping girl... |
I will post more about my birth story later...but for now enjoy the cuteness!