Homemade Larabars! |
Check out the video below to see how to make them....
Chocolate Coconut Snack Bars Recipe
- 1/4 cup raw cashews
- 1/4 cup raw walnuts
- 8 pitted dates
- 1 Tbs. raw chocolate powder
- 1 Tbs. shredded coconut (unsweetened & sulfite-free)
1. In a food processor blend together cashews and walnuts until they resemble crumbs, now dump into a mixing bowl.
2. Now place 8 pitted dates in food processor with the 1 Tbs. raw chocolate powder and blend until it forms a large ball, put this in the mixing bowl.
3. With the blended nuts and dates now in the mixing bowl, add 1 Tbs. shredded coconut and then begin combining it with your hands. Mix until all the "crumbs" have been absorbed by the date mixture.
4. Spread out onto a piece of waxed paper and flatten out to your desired shape. Then cut and store in a plastic bag (wah wah wah...I know!) to keep fresh for about a week. I keep mine in my kitchen cabinet (at room temp), but you can keep them in the fridge if you would like.
5. Enjoy! *In case you're wondering about the nutritional info on a Larabar, they often have about 210-240 calories per bar.
Here's a link to the other two videos I've made since being pregnant:
-18 weeks and making a "Chocolate Ice Cream Smoothie"(...looking back I feel like I hardly look pregnant in this one-ha ha!)
-28 weeks and making a "Peachy Kale Smoothie"
38 Weeks! |
While we're on the topic of pregnancy, I'm now entering into my 38th week! It seems as though she has really dropped this week because my shirts are sticking out farther than ever and my pants are sitting much lower on my hips than before. I'm also starting to feel some movements against my lower pelvic bones, almost like Baby Avery is practicing pushing with her head to get out and boy is she getting strong! Aside from her movement down, I bet she's grown quite a bit this week because I have been eating so much! I mentioned in the last post about how I eat every two hours, well now it's about every hour! What???!!!! Kind of crazy I know, but I do try to vary what I eat so I don't get too sick of food (that started to happen by Wednesday of this week). So I'll rotate something cooked or packaged (crackers, bean burrito) with something raw or fresh (banana, apple, or smoothie). I've found that if I have too much cooked or pre-packaged food (no matter how healthy and organic it is) I start to feel more tired and sluggish, so I mix it up by alternating it with something fresh or raw. Right now my main cravings are pasta and tofu...delicious!
Now although my "due window" is about two weeks away, I've started to feel some pre-labor warm ups from time to time. These are mainly in the form of tightening/pressure feelings in my lower abdomen that only last for about 10 seconds and happen once or twice a day. So, I'll say that things are warming up, but I don't particularly feel like labor is right around the corner (knock on wood-lol!). Have a great week and I hope you like the snack bar recipe posted above!
This post was also recently linked up to "Healthy Vegan Fridays" which you can find on any of these three blogs: Everyday Vegan Girl, Veggie Nook, and Carrie On Vegan. So get your "vegan on" and check out some of these great recipes and vegan cooking tips!
This post was also recently linked up to "Healthy Vegan Fridays" which you can find on any of these three blogs: Everyday Vegan Girl, Veggie Nook, and Carrie On Vegan. So get your "vegan on" and check out some of these great recipes and vegan cooking tips!