34 weeks |

Making my own cleaning products! |
Green Cleaners You Can Make:
Multi-Surface Cleaner |
1. You may use...."Multi-Surface Cleaner". Now try..."Merlin's Magic All-Purpose Spray" from Clean House, Clean Planet. I absolutely love this spray and I use it just about daily on my kitchen counters. It has such a great clean, fresh smell (from the Tea Tree Oil mainly) and because of the antiseptic properties of the tea tree oil, I know I'm getting it clean! I just use a cloth napkin when cleaning with this spray. No need to take 2 steps forward with this green cleaner and 5 steps back by using paper towels! Use a cloth napkin or towel and throw it in the laundry after your done so it's ready to go for next time. Here is the recipe for this cleaner (as taken from this website) and below is a pic of all the ingredients you need to make it!
Ingredients (as seen in the picture below):
"Merlin's Magic All- Purpose Spray" |
Ingredients (as seen in the picture below):
- spray bottle
- tea tree oil (this stuff may cost a bit up front, but it will last you forever!)
- 3 Tbs. Dr. Bronner's castile soap (I use peppermint)
- water
- funnel
Ingredients: funnel, spray bottle, tea tree oil, Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap, water. |
"Dust to Dust Furniture Polish" |
- 16 ounce trigger spray bottle
- 2 teaspoons olive oil ( vegetable oil)
- Lemon essential oil -1/4 cup white distilled vinegar
- hot water (enough to fill bottle)
Mix 20 drops of essential oil, olive oil, and vinegar with hot water in bottle. Gently shake mixture. Now you're ready to dust! I always make sure to shake this bottle a bit each time before I use it so the oil mixes back up with the water. Have fun dusting and polishing!
Ingredients: spray bottle, olive oil, vinegar, lemon essential oil, vinegar, water, microfiber cloth. |
Windex-type cleaner |

As you can see in my pic below, I use a blue towel which you can find at Wal-Mart or any other grocery store (here is a link to it on Amazon.com), and the special fibers in the "Glass Cleaning Cloth" really make a difference. When I first started using the club soda cleaner on my mirrors, I was bummed that the only way I could get a good streak-free shine was with paper towels. But now that I've found this special glass cleaning cloth, I get streak-free windows every time and I'm saving some trees from being cut down...bonus! One word of caution, you may have to wipe for a few extra seconds with this club soda cleaner as it doesn't dry quite as quickly as traditional glass cleaners, but this extra time serves you well because you can make sure and wipe away any streaks as they arise.
Ingredients: club soda, spray bottle, glass- cleaning cloth |
- spray bottle
- club soda
- glass cleaning cloth
Nice clean mirrors...minus the toxins! |
"Earth Scrub Tub and Tile Cleaner"/"Hollywood Bowl Toilet Cleaner" from Clean House, Clean Planet
- bowl for mixing
- 16 ounce flip-top bottle (I use a mason jar because it seemed to always get stuck in the cap when I was trying to pour it out)
- 2 cups of baking soda
- 1/2 cup of Dr. Bronner's liquid castile soap, I love peppermint here as well
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 tablespoons vinegar
- (1/2 tsp. tea tree oil if using to clean toilets)
- dish scrubbing brush
Ingredients: jar, Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap, Baking Soda, tea tree oil, vinegar, water, mixing bowl, scrubbing brush. |
Mix baking soda and liquid soap in a bowl. Dilute with the water and add the vinegar last, as it will fizz like your 4th grade volcano project! Add tea tree oil, if using on toilets. Stir until the lumps are gone. If you can pour it into the container easily you have the right consistency. If it's too thick, add more water. Use funnel to pour into bottle. (Or just pour it into a mason jar). Keep the cap on bottle because this mixture will dry out. Shake well before using. For future uses, add more water if cleaner seems dry.
A great store-bought toilet cleaner. |
Update June 2011: Now that my daughter Avery is here, I don't seem to have as much time to make this cleaner, so I've gone to a store-bought version: Ecover Toilet Bowl Cleaner. Ecover is a great, affordable, green brand and this cleaner has a nice minty-pine smell that really gets the job done...plus saves me time!
5. You may use..."Traditional Dish Soap". Now try..."Castile Soap and Water". No fancy recipe for this one, all you do is just fill a soap container about halfway full with castile soap and then fill the rest of it with water. Feel free to add more castile soap if you feel that the diluted version is not cleaning as well as you would like. This soap also doubles as our hand soap...and I use the same recipe for our body wash! I just love Dr. Bronner's Castile Liquid Soap, it's ingredients are so pure and simple. Just a head's up, if you are a "suds fan" you will not see the bubbles and foam you are used to with traditional dish soaps. No worries, your dishes are getting clean, they just may not seem that way because you didn't have mountains of bubbles and a mega-strong clean scent. This may be one cleaner you have to ease yourself into using, since it is a bit of a change. Also, if you find that the castile soap is not doing the job that your toxic dish soap once did, use a dish brush! It's funny how we rely on chemicals to clean, de-grease, and remove baked on food...when all we need is a little elbow grease! A simple $2-3 dish brush or potato scrubbing brush from Wal-Mart is what we use and it works wonders.
Ingredients: funnel, soap dispenser, Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap, water. |
Cleaning produce on the cheap... |
- 1 cup white vinegar
- 1 cup water
- 1 spray bottle (I just use my the old Fruit and Veggie spray bottle)
- funnel
Directions: Pour the vinegar and water into the spray bottle and shake up. Add a few drops of essential oils (lemon, orange, etc.) if you do not like the vinegar smell. I used to not like it, but now I don't even notice it! Now just spray this on your fruits and veggies to get them nice and clean, without breaking the bank!
Ingredients: old fruit and veggie wash spray bottle, vinegar, funnel, water. |
Scent Ball and Essential Oils |
Just slide in the pad, plug it in, and enjoy the non-toxic scent! |
8. You may use..."Drain-O". Now try..."Turbo Snake". I don't know about you, but my long, curly hair clogs up my sink and shower drains all the time! So instead of using Mega-Toxic Drain-o, you might want to give these "Turbo Snakes" a try. Basically they are just thick, rubber-covered wires that you shove down your drains and then pull back up. There is a textured piece on the very tip that drags back up whatever it comes across. Although it probably can't unclog a drain with a big problem, it sure helps with maintenance and to keep things from taking forever to go down. It's very reasonably priced on Amazon.com ($6.50) and you get 2 total units (that's 4 turbo snakes total- 2 for sink drains, and 2 for shower/tub drains)...that's about the price of a bottle of Drain-o! So next time your drain is running slow, give the Turbo Snake a try.
Turbo Snake for cleaning drains. |
Green Cleaners to Buy: These are the cleaners that I tried making on my own and even though some of them did a fairly decent job...others just weren't cutting it! So I shopped around to find ones that were lower priced, but still got the job done. Now since prices and your cleaning appliances (dishwasher, washer, dryer, etc.) may vary a bit from mine, don't feel limited to just these choices! Do as I did...try, try, and try some more until you find what works for you (and your wallet)! Here are my picks for favorite green cleaners bought from the store:
9. If you use "Traditional Dishwasher Detergent". Try..."Ecover Automatic Dishwasher Tablets". I went through a phase where I was determined to make my own dishwasher detergent. There were plenty of recipes online and everyone made it sound so easy and effective, unfortunately it did not work well. I used a recipe that was 1 Tbs. of Washing Soda (a different version of Baking Soda) and 1 Tbs. of Borax, and although I could tell the dishes were clean, there was tons of white residue all on the backs of the plates and on the glasses. I was willing to sacrifice it to go green, but my hubby wasn't on board-lol! Time to go to the store. When there, I made myself dizzy comparing all the different brands and how many loads you get for your money and I think I found the best one...these Ecover Automatic Dishwasher Tablets. These tablets are very green and very effective-no streaks-yeah! Plus there isn't that bleach-like smell that always steams out at the end of the load when using the traditional dish washing detergents. Give them a try!
Dishwasher detergent/tabs |
Ecover Dishwasher Tablets |
10. If you use..."Traditional Laundry Detergent and Bleach." You may like..."ECOS Free and Clear Laundry Detergent and Seventh Generation Free and Clear Chlorine-Free Bleach". So, as I mentioned above I do not like fake scents and perfumes when they are in cleaners, room sprays, and even personal care products, so I definitely don't like them in my clothes. On top of that, with a baby on the way the last thing I want are perfumes and chemicals rubbing up against her sweet little skin. So the name of my laundry cleaning game is "Free and Clear" I want a product with no perfumes or fragrances. Plus, I have sensitive skin myself so it's best for me to keep it free and clear all the way around. Once I knew I had to have my laundry detergents fragrance free, it was time to try searching for a green one at a good price. The one I found is: ECOS Free and Clear Laundry Detergent. To add to the cleaning power of this detergent I also use, Seventh Generation Free and Clear Chlorine Free Bleach, which I use with both dark and light loads of laundry. Search around and see what good, green laundry detergents you can find and that work for you!
ECOS Laundry Detergent and Seventh Generation Chlorine-Free Bleach |