On Friday, Cruz had his three-month photo shoot. Instead of Darcy, owner of At Play Photo, coming to our house, my mom and I bundled our little bear up and drove a few blocks to her in-home studio. We had so much fun and Cruz was a trooper. He's used to the camera!
When it comes to taking pictures, Darcy is as persistent as I am! We did lots of sweet talking to Baby Cruz, waited patiently while he had a bottle, and even barreled through a cat nap in order to get some fun shots of Cruz at three months. I loved her creative, inventive ideas, and especially got into all her cute hats. After about a three hour shoot, Cruz was wore out and so were we! It was worth every minute, especially after I saw the sneak peek Darcy posted on her blog later that afternoon. He sure is a handsome little devil! I can't wait to see the rest!