Pilot Neo-Gel .7 Black/Red/Blue

I am pretty familiar with most of items in the Pilot line, but never heard of, or tried, the Neo-Gels until my girlfriend brought them home from work today. Apparently these are common around her office, but I have not seen this in the big-box stores, and I have not heard much buzz about them in the pen community, either. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention, but I certainly don't feel like I missed much. These seem like a cheap G2, and everything about them feels like it is inferior to the G2, also.

  • The ink of the black seems very similar, but the ink in the blue and red feel more like a bad ballpoint than anything else.
  • The grip is a set of raised rings. They are a very basic grip, and I guess they serve the purpose of being a grip. 
  • The rest of the barrel is like a cross between a Sakura Gelly Roll and a Bic Crystal. Nothing noteworthy in this department. 
  • The end of the cartridge has the familiar yellow-orange goo at the end, but this doesn't result in a feeling like the G2.
  • The label 'Neo-Gel' and '07' point size are bold on the cap, but this hardly saves the performance or comfort of these mediocre pens. 
  • I might keep the black one around as a pen to loan out to others, but the blue and red are, essentially, worthless. 
I'm all about affordable pens, and even though these cost $1.09 U.S. on PilotPen.us, I'd much rather spend a dollar more to buy a G2 and call it a day.

Pen: Pilot Neo-Gel 
Paper: Doane 8.25 x 11.75  This paper has been great, because it takes a variety of inks quite well, and there is less glare than glossier papers when I take photos.

Q: Have any of you tried these pens and, if so, what do you think of them?