Week 11...Ashley We Have a Heartbeat!

Hey fellow bloggers, hope you all had a good week. B and I had a lot of fun on Monday night because we got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time! It took our midwife a minute to find it, but when we did, we both got this huge grin on our faces! What a fun memory we will have now about that special moment. I bet all you moms out there can remember what it was like to hear the heartbeat for the first time! As far as everything else goes, my midwife said that everything looks great and we'll meet with her again in 4-5 weeks when I'm about 16 weeks along.

I can't really complain much about how I've been feeling this week, my appetite for food is coming back around...especially for sweets! Thank goodness for Kelly's blog which I've mentioned on here many times before: The Spunky Coconut. I made a rocking batch of her gluten-free, vegan brownies and I topped them with this frosting from another blog I like to follow.

After I made them and took a bite and they were so amazing that I almost send B a picture of them with the caption: "OMG!!!!!" The pic to the left does not do them much justice because it was the last one left of the batch...but you get the idea! After coming home and tasting them, B agreed that they were one of the best desserts I have ever made- score! Thank you fellow bloggers for your awesome recipes! I know what I'll be bringing to holiday gatherings now! The best part of these brownies is that there's no sugar! It uses almond butter, applesauce, cocoa powder, and coconut sugar as the main ingredients...you've got to try this awesome recipe!
Coconut sugar
Here's the kind of coconut sugar I got from my local health food store for about $8-9. Also, here's what it looks like...as you can see from the pic it looks a lot like brown sugar and it tastes like it too! No coconut taste, just a natural, yummy sugar alternative.

While I'm on the topic of food, I've been loving these chip/crackers called: "Beanitos". You can read more about them on the link, but the ones I tried are the "Pinto Bean and Flax" flavor, and on top of having tons of protein and fiber, they have a nice and short ingredient list...and best of all- they taste good! I ate about half the bag on my way home from the store, and I'm trying to hold off on eating the second half until at least tomorrow! LOL. I got mine at my local health food store, has anyone else ever tried these? If so, what do you think?

Clothes update: So as you've seen in my posts over the past few weeks, I've been adjusting to my changing body with a few wardrobe changes. So it was fun this week to try out some of my new outfits. The only problem is that I'm not quite "big enough" (referring to my belly) to fill the clothes out, so they just look kind of big on me. Which, at this point, isn't so bad since I was squeezing myself to death trying to fit into my old clothes, but still not the most comfortable feeling.

The straw that broke the camel's back was when I tried wearing these "Belly Leggings". They are a super comfy fabric and the top of them actually goes up and above your stomach like most maternity pants which is great, unless you don't have a big pregnant belly to keep them up. The leggings seemed fine while I was at home, but when I got to school and I was walking around, they began to fall down!!! AHHHH!!!! Now although I have a little baby bump, it was not enough to keep these leggings up! So all day I kept having to pull them up. I tried rolling the top down, it just fell faster then. Oh boy. See the pic to the right- can you see how much space is between my belly button and the crotch of the pants, goodnight! Luckily I had a very long shirt/dress on that day, so no one could tell, but still I knew! Let's just say I won't be wearing those for a few more months! LOL!! ( :

Really leggings...really?
Well that about sums up my week, I feel like my blog has took a turn for the boring with all this talk about maternity clothes and what foods I'm craving at the moment. But, hopefully some of you find it interesting and maybe there's someone out there who is curious what pregnancy is like other than what the "books" tell them (I know I was). On top of that, I feel like this will be a fun way for me to look back and remember what it was like being pregnant, I even had an idea that maybe I could combine all my posts into a scrapbook of some sort. Who knows...( : Have a good week! By the way, our baby is now the size of a plum!