-it's a cruciferous vegetable like brocolli that helps with cancer prevention
-it's nutrients are best maintained when consumed in a raw form (so for those who don't like salads, like myself...this would be through smoothies!)
-it has lots of vitamin A, C, and K.
-it helps you to rotate your smoothie greens so you're not just eating spinach all the time!
So now that you know the benefits, here's the recipe!
Green Orange Juice Smoothie Recipe
-Start with 1/2 cup orange juice (yes, it's not organic...but life goes on!)
-Start with 1/2 cup orange juice (yes, it's not organic...but life goes on!)
-Pull about 3 leaves off the bok choy (I try not to get too much of the white base of the leaf)
-Add 2 banana halves (1 whole frozen banana total or more if you like)
Do you have any other "non-tradtional" greens you like to put in smoothies? Or do you use any other juices as your base? Let me know your thoughts! ( :