I'm Pregnant!

Someone is going to have a baby...me!
Hey fellow greenies, I have some exciting news! I'm pregnant! It turns out I'm 7 weeks along and the baby is due around the beginning of April. I've been feeling pretty good so far. Certain foods don't sound so great right when I first wake up, but after about an hour or two, I usually get my appetite back and certain things sound really good like spaghetti, sweet potato fries, and vegetarian baked beans- yum! Oh and I've been really hot when I first wake up, almost like hot flashes...kind of funny, so I have a little portable fan in the kitchen, I'll take some pics, it makes Brandon laugh every time! Again, once I eat something this "heat wave" goes away.

 Anyways, I think I will have plenty to blog about over the next nine (oh wait...7 and 1/2 months), from what type of birth I want, to the food I'm eating, decorating a baby room as green as possible, and other fun topics. Here are some pics from when we found out the exciting news! We sure hope this baby likes green smoothies! ( :