Most of you know, I'm not too big of a fan of plastic and I'm also not a fan of single-time use products...put those two together and you have one of my least-favorite products...Ziploc bags. Oh Ziploc, I know you mean well, but you make my food taste like plastic, you increase my trash, and I can't recycle you. So, what's a greenie to do to still transport things like sandwiches, chips, snacks, etc. to and from different places? Use plastic storage containers? No thanks, I'm not a fan of BPA. How about glass containers? Well, I already use those for the rest of my food items, so to add snack foods to glass containers means my load will go from about 10 lbs to 20 lbs as I trek to and from school, again, no thanks. So what can I do???!!!
Enter Reusable Bags! What? You mean I can use them again and again? Sweet! I found a great place online to buy these:
Mels Sells shop on!
You get 3 bags for $13-14, which is a great price! Here's what you get:
-1 Large Bag: 7 x 7"
-1 Medium Bag: 7 x 5" (seen to the right, which I use for organic rice or corn chips) I love this bag too because it helps me portion out my chips that way I only eat what I can fit into this bag... boy do I love my chips!
-1 Small Bag: 5 x 5" (sometimes I like to eat fresh dates as a dessert after a meal and this little bag fits about 2-3 of them perfectly!)
According to her Esty shop, the exterior is made from 100% cotton, the interior is made of 100% grey nylon that's stain and water resistant, and the bags easily open and close with Velcro that lines the top of the bag.
Know someone that may need a little help transitioning away from Ziploc bags (aka my husband), surprise them with these fun, reusable bags! Lol...check out these cool bags I was able to get him from the
Mels Sells shop on etsy! So cool right? He says he likes them better than Ziploc bags because the tops are so much easier to close and they work just as good! Bonus!
So if you're ready to say goodbye to your Ziploc bags and trade in for a more environmentally-friendly option, consider trying out these fun and affordable reusable bags! Just a note, it looks like the fabrics on her shop have changed since I purchased mine a few months ago, but it seems like she might be open to requests if you have a particular style you might like. Also, for those of you who live near Kansas City, you might like knowing that the creator of these bags is from around here too!